jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Why obstetrics?

Hello everyone! Today I´m going to talk about "Why obstetrics?"

In my case, at first really  I wanted to study nursing.. a career related with health.  Before postulate for to study (after PSU) i didn’t know what put in first option: nursing or obstetrics because i really like the related with babies, pregnancy.. and also help  old people with different problems … so i asked to my parents to give me advices .. but they said me that i should choose that i really liked.. so i put in first option nursery and then obstetrics.

When i saw that i stayed in Obstetrics i didn’t feel bad, i felt so satisfied. But now , after to really know what do midwifes, i feel so sure about my decision. I think that this career is for me because the focus of it is the pair: mother-son, the relation in my opinion, more important in the life of everyone, the obstetrics are dealing with the care of women and their children during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period,  the midwife monitors the progress of labor,  performing vaginal examination, accelerate the progress of labor by infusion of the hormone oxytocin, provide pain relief, the midwife accompanies physically and psychologically to the mother, imaging is another important way to monitor a pregnancy, this is done to predict problems with the mother; confirm that a pregnancy is present inside the uterus; estimate the gestational age; determine the number of fetuses and placentae; evaluate for an ectopic pregnancy and first trimester bleeding; and assess for early signs of anomalies; in the postnatal the infant's health is also monitored, so I feel so happy working with them, and obviously with all family (father, sons, grandfathers,etc).

Also in the past year we went to hospital and other health centers for practice, so i knew what will we do in the future, and i liked so much.

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