jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Education and prevention in health... 09/06/2010

Today, I am going to talk about education and prevention in health, from my point of view, in my future as a midwife.
1. Why prevention is important?

The prevention is important because the people need know all about health, because of this form the society is inform of the diseases more common and the risk, that producing the cancer or tumours and inclusive the death, like the uterine cervix cancer (Human Papiloma Virus) or breast cancer, or fulminant hepatitis C (HCV); or others topics like the familiar planning, miscarriage or premenstrual syndrome.

2. How to prevent at the individual, family and community level?

First that all, to prevent it is necessary to look for the people correct like to do groups with kids, adolescent, adult and people old.

In the individual prevent we should begin to create public interest topics, like for example topics of sexuality, but all through a previous survey, to view the topics of interest.
For the family we can make councils involving parents, so that they are responsible to educate their children, this will lead to greater trust between parent and child.
For the communities we should organize groups, make speeches and advertisements to call the attention of the people who see it, Incentives to attend meetings on prevention.

3. What can midwives do to promote prevention?

We as health professionals obstetricians, we are mainly involved in the care of pregnant women in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in adolescent pregnancy prevention or unwanted pregnancy, climacteric and menopause y and education in various diseases, so people are aware of them.

Well, I think that our participation is very important, because the people in special the women need to know all about this topics, for that they can prevent and cure not.

That’s all,

See us next week.

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