viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

What is the experience of the students in a course of English?

 In a year complicate, we have has that make very much which and one this they is the English course. This course has been of great importance for the student of the medicine faculty of the University of Chile, but this course hasn’t been good for all students, because is very complicate and causes problems for them. Each love learn, in special when this learn is for them carrier and them professional future. For this motive they consider that this course is very important for them, but they don’t understand anything about English.

The principal problem in the English course is a listening test; to great percentage of the students of the English course have problem for understand the pronunciation of the people that protagonist this conversation in English and the conversation is very fats, therefore is a factor very important, because speak fast and understand little is a factor for that they can’t learn the context of the conversation. They exist sometime the frustration in the students and a lack of motivation to continue studying.
The second problem that has the student whit this is a long time that have take this course and too that is an obligatory course. Is important to say that very much person has interest in that first time, but with the over the years it has become very tiring. Too the requirement have increased and this factor produce unconcern for the course because exist other courses in them carrier.

The third problem is the distance that exists between these two faculties. First in the faculty of Independencia (medicine north) in the morning there are classes, which are very strenuous and very long, usually last all morning. Then comes lunch, but this time it is used to travel from one faculty to another and lunch must be swallowed very quickly by students. It also creates an extra expense for passenger transportation.

In conclusion, the English could be much more dynamic and less frustrating if the listening test the players were our own teachers, because it is easier to understand. Also the time of study of English should be distributed in better shape, but my opinion is that all other courses should be better coordinated. And finally, the classes should be in the faculty north, where students have the highest number of classes, or just get the transfer of students to faculty, so at least they can save passenger transportation.

That´s all.

See you them!!!

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