sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

The Brain and its myths!

Hi, today I´m going to explain things of the brain.

 In the world exist very much myth about the Brain and this produce confusion at the people. Especially in those who have a little access to information.

The brain has the control of the human; the behavior, the thoughts, the physiologic process and all body functions, is thank at the brain.

Every day, the medicine have evolved and have achieved refute some misleading information about the capabilities and functioning of this vital organ.

Between the myths exist the following:
- Excessive drinking does not kill neurons, but can reduce the size of the brain and cause damage to health.
- A blow to the head does not cure the amnesia, unlike
- That the left half of the brain is not "rational" is false, and that the dominant hemisphere of the brain and is responsible for verbal functions of humans.
- The mood of them is not more variable than theirs, changes in mood of women are remembered as much for them as men.
- The brain is like a computer, the brain consists of millions of neurons that send electrical signals to the body. It does not work like a computer.
- The blind can’t hear better, the body can not replace a body, so the brain does not develop a sense of magic missing, it needs exercise and adaptation.
- Listening to Mozart does not make a baby smarter, the "Mozart Effect" is false.
- Vaccines do not cause autism or any developmental disorder permanent and profound.
- The exterior folds are not related to intelligence, only due to skull size.
- It is true that we only use 10 percent of the brain, but the simple, menial activities require that you use only a small portion of the brain.

Sex: it all?

Moral or....

free sexualy?
We live in a world where sexual images once deemed explicit are used to sell everything from chocolate to soap. But what effect does such content have on public morale and all, silent, tired of a culture dedicated to excess.In 1949, it prohibited all those things that they had relation with sex, especially those of homoxesualidad or immorality of any kind. The ban was lifted 14 years later and created the group lost virginity. Sex is the syllable that hooks you, but the really vital word is "sex." It is a collision between the idea of social communication and private intimacy, but it means the conversation and penetration.Since then, sex has become progressively more open. The images that have been considered obscene two generations ago, now extended to 10 feet high on billboards. Everything from chocolate shower gel is sold with the implication that gives almost orgasmic pleasure for the consumer. Each sentence of the act, part of the body that are now taboo representation of free expression and free from shame.But there are still some blame. You never see an erect penis on primetime television. The claim that children under 18 are not allowed to see certain films remains curiously confirmed.This is a new culture war over the boundaries of sex in public. Liberals do not feel comfortable with words like "modesty", "decency" and "discretion" when used in the context of sex. They smell of piety-minded. But, if not used as a cover for repression, which could describe the real virtues. At least there must be some way to a liberal society with sex value instead of simply hanging a price tag on it.In conclusion I think that any excess could be extremely good.


"Dealing with the stress at the university"

Hello everyone! Today I´m going to talk about "Dealing with the stress at the university"

First, the definition about stress:  Stress is a term in psychology and biology, and  It refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined. We all experience stress in day to day life. In small doses it keeps us energized and interested. In large doses, and if left untreated, stress may become anxiety and be harder to deal with alone.
I feel that if I have a bad grade ruin my future and this is very horrible! However some people are not affected by the terrible stress...In my opinion, to overcome stress we need to balance academic demands and the social demands of college. Socializing and being surrounded by positive people is an important aspect of overcoming stress. It helps to have real supportive people that you like a lot in your life who want you to succeed, especially during finals. There are several strategies that will help us to cope with stressful situations. First, we have to learn to manage our time wisely. Second, we have to set priorities and make the most of our opportunities as a student. Last, we have to learn to say "no".

After all, college students have a lot of stress. There's no denying it, but college is what we make of it. If we stay focused and balance our life, we'll feel much more relaxed and healthier when it's time to wear our cap and gown. Now, that's an achievement we have earned for life!

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Why obstetrics?

Hello everyone! Today I´m going to talk about "Why obstetrics?"

In my case, at first really  I wanted to study nursing.. a career related with health.  Before postulate for to study (after PSU) i didn’t know what put in first option: nursing or obstetrics because i really like the related with babies, pregnancy.. and also help  old people with different problems … so i asked to my parents to give me advices .. but they said me that i should choose that i really liked.. so i put in first option nursery and then obstetrics.

When i saw that i stayed in Obstetrics i didn’t feel bad, i felt so satisfied. But now , after to really know what do midwifes, i feel so sure about my decision. I think that this career is for me because the focus of it is the pair: mother-son, the relation in my opinion, more important in the life of everyone, the obstetrics are dealing with the care of women and their children during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period,  the midwife monitors the progress of labor,  performing vaginal examination, accelerate the progress of labor by infusion of the hormone oxytocin, provide pain relief, the midwife accompanies physically and psychologically to the mother, imaging is another important way to monitor a pregnancy, this is done to predict problems with the mother; confirm that a pregnancy is present inside the uterus; estimate the gestational age; determine the number of fetuses and placentae; evaluate for an ectopic pregnancy and first trimester bleeding; and assess for early signs of anomalies; in the postnatal the infant's health is also monitored, so I feel so happy working with them, and obviously with all family (father, sons, grandfathers,etc).

Also in the past year we went to hospital and other health centers for practice, so i knew what will we do in the future, and i liked so much.

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

What is the experience of the students in a course of English?

 In a year complicate, we have has that make very much which and one this they is the English course. This course has been of great importance for the student of the medicine faculty of the University of Chile, but this course hasn’t been good for all students, because is very complicate and causes problems for them. Each love learn, in special when this learn is for them carrier and them professional future. For this motive they consider that this course is very important for them, but they don’t understand anything about English.

The principal problem in the English course is a listening test; to great percentage of the students of the English course have problem for understand the pronunciation of the people that protagonist this conversation in English and the conversation is very fats, therefore is a factor very important, because speak fast and understand little is a factor for that they can’t learn the context of the conversation. They exist sometime the frustration in the students and a lack of motivation to continue studying.
The second problem that has the student whit this is a long time that have take this course and too that is an obligatory course. Is important to say that very much person has interest in that first time, but with the over the years it has become very tiring. Too the requirement have increased and this factor produce unconcern for the course because exist other courses in them carrier.

The third problem is the distance that exists between these two faculties. First in the faculty of Independencia (medicine north) in the morning there are classes, which are very strenuous and very long, usually last all morning. Then comes lunch, but this time it is used to travel from one faculty to another and lunch must be swallowed very quickly by students. It also creates an extra expense for passenger transportation.

In conclusion, the English could be much more dynamic and less frustrating if the listening test the players were our own teachers, because it is easier to understand. Also the time of study of English should be distributed in better shape, but my opinion is that all other courses should be better coordinated. And finally, the classes should be in the faculty north, where students have the highest number of classes, or just get the transfer of students to faculty, so at least they can save passenger transportation.

That´s all.

See you them!!!

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Levonogestrel: It is effective?... 11/09/2010

Hello, today I comment about the class of the last Thursday. This class was about the “Postovulatory effects of the Levonogestrel in emergency contraception”.

The levonogestrel is the active principle of emergency contraceptive or “morning- after pill”.
The doctor Carlos Valenzuela explained that the levonogestrel is effective, but always to be used at the right time. He said there was a period which is name as fertile window period, which comes days before and few days after ovulation. And that in these days women are most likely to get pregnant. It is this period should be used when the action of this emergency contraceptive. However, he said that through statistical studies had shown that levonogestrel was effective, but as an anovulatory, then this method would be effective only after the sexual act, if the ovulation has not occurred. The effectiveness of this method is over 50%, but during or after ovulation and would not be effective as a contraceptive.

Then we can say that using this method or recommend, would be strictly necessary know very well the ovulatory cycle of the woman who recommend the method and know our own cycle, because otherwise you run the risk of having a unwanted pregnancy.

Dr. Valenzuela said that this method is very good, but the bad thing about this method is that it increases the probability of ectopic pregnancy, especially if used after ovulation.

Well, I think that this topic is very important and interesting for my future profession as a midwife.

Goodbye, you have a very good holiday and his incredible bicentennial celebration.

The problem in the health treatments on different countries... 11/09/2010

Hi, today I´m going to talk about the different that exist in de world and this issue focused primarily on health care, because the day, Tuesday 7 of the September, my group of English classes and me, saw a documentary film, about this topic.

In my assessment there are huge differences from one country to another, as to the importance they give to health.

In the report the first stories about people who had accidents in U.S. In this country, health authorities are not interested in the integrity of the health of people, only care about the hospital services are paid, they do that the person have to choose between heal or not, because if people have not money can not heal ailments or diseases.

The second country featured in the movie was Canada. Health in this country is free, every time a person has health problems, assists the hospital and is served free, and only important to the quality of life of people.

Then talk about France, but right now I must be honest and decided that I did not understand anything of that they were talking about in this part as they did not understand their System of organization.

In contrast to the reality or our country, Chile´s health care is among a middle ground between Canada and France, as though these GEH (Explicit Guarantees on Health), although these is no such a program to help people that need improving for common things such as accidents or illnesses that are nor within this health program.
Well… That´s all.